Wednesday, August 18, 2010

conforming just ain't an option

This is my favourite song by Kate Reid, well, one of them, I have so many... It's called The Only Dyke at Open Mic.It's funny and clever. Listen to it, I think you'll agree.

Kate Reid's charm is how she peaked my interest, her humour kept me listening. It's not just that, it's her music. It's honest, simple, well expressed... and it has a healthy dose of self-deprecation. She tells stories in a way that we all can relate. 

Yep, she's a lesbian. It's a part of who she is and it's often what she sings about. Yet, so many of the feelings she expresses in her songs are universal - she finds the common thread. Her popularity is spreading, and not just in the LGBT community.That in itself, is refreshing and an important aspect of her music. Visibility, that is.  And honestly, any fan of folk can appreciate her talent.

I've had the great pleasure of seeing her perform at the Vancouver Island MusicFest in Courtenay, BC and in a local café in Victoria. I first saw her at Pride Victoria in 2009 and was immediately smitten. I have introduced her music to many friends, and they too have been won over.

Check Kate Reid out, she's definitely worth it. Her live performances are fabulous. She's candid and funny, and she knows how to connect with her audience.

Here is one of my partner Rick's favourite songs by her. It's called Truckdriver.It reminds him of the way he felt as a teenager, during a pivotal time.

To find out more about Kate Reid, check out her website:

Addendum: Even better, read this article about Kate Reid. It's well written, and wonderfully true.

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